Productivity Hack 1

Do you find yourself sometimes being way too busy but seemingly getting nowhere?

Is your ‘to-do’ list growing whilst not much seems to be getting ticked off?

There are days I find myself going ten-to-the-dozen, I’m as busy as all heck yet not being productive.

And, that’s where I have to reign myself in. I can be very very busy on the stuff I want to do rather than the stuff I need to do.

When it comes to being productive ( and feeling like you’re making headway ) do you have any tricks up your sleeve that you can share?

For me I know it’s about prioritizing my workload.

  1. Do your most demanding work when your energy levels are high – some are morning people and for others it may be mid-afternoon – go with what works for you.
  2. Batch! Do tasks in batches eg. create social media posts in batches, email if you do email marketing, blog posts, invoices, filing etc.
  3. Avoid multi-tasking. Focus on one thing and get it completed.

Here are a few more hacks that you may find helpful.


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