Do You Use the Internet Like a Giant Phone Book?

You may do this already (I know I do)…

I find it easier to locate a local business with a few mouse clicks than to plough through a phone book.

Mention getting a website to some small business owners and their response often is…

‘The internet – that’s just for people trying to sell stuff to people all over the world’ or ‘Tried it – didn’t work for me’. 

You can use the internet to grow your business locally or globally!

As a marketing tool, even for local business – it’s a positive, even if your market is just up the street!

Think about this…

Consider how most people use the web. Yes, some people log on and go shopping on the web yet most people use the net for gathering information. Sure they may use that information to make a buying decision but first they gather.

With increasing numbers of people doing research on the net, it stands to reason that the businesses who are ready and waiting to provide that info, stand to gain over those who fail to meet this need.

A powerful web marketing strategy is to think of your website as a way to provide information and customer service.

Secondary to that, is to use your website as a way to generate leads and sales.

Even the local store can offer up information on things such as opening times, special offers and customers benefits.

Your website can enhance your advertising efforts by placing free detailed information, reports and beneficial content in a place where anyone can get it. Your potential customers will see this as good service.

To ignore the possibilities of a website is to limit the ways in which a customer or potential customer can build a relationship with your business… and that would be a costly mistake.

Get a website that works!


Another Nail in the Coffin

…for the traditional advertising model (and another boost for content marketing). Last month LinkedIn announced the closure of its ADVERT network – at a cost of $50m per year in…