Get the Best $ Value From Your Advertising

Improve Your Bottom Line.

Is your advertising performing?

You advertise to attract new leads and gain more sales.  

Get your sales message across effectively (after all that’s the point of them, right?) by following the age-old formula of AIDA – Attention, Interest, Desire and Action.


They all need an attention-grabber.

They must arouse interest from your prospect by relating to what they want or need.

And create desire by pointing out the benefits of using your goods or services.

Lastly, they should end with a call to action, such as a special offer or similar, to motivate the customer to act ASAP!

Do all your marketing materials follow this basic plan?

If not, you could be making better use of your business dollars!

Want the best $value from your ads?

Brochures & billboards, TV & radio ads, newspaper & yellow page ads, website and social media adverts…. the most commonly used advertising and marketing methods to attract potential customers to your business – whatever that business may be.

Contact us today


Another Nail in the Coffin

…for the traditional advertising model (and another boost for content marketing). Last month LinkedIn announced the closure of its ADVERT network – at a cost of $50m per year in…