3 Key Ingredients For An Irresistible Email Subject Line


With an ROI of around 4,300% (according to the Direct Marketing Association), email marketing practically pays for itself.

The main issue is to get your emails read and it all starts at the top – in the subject line.

Subject Line = Headline

It works just like a newspaper headline, if it doesn’t capture reader interest immediately, the story isn’t going to get read.

1. The ingredients 

Let’s look at the basics of a good headline.. the 4 ‘U’s.

  • Useful: Is there a promise of value to the reader?
  • Ultra-specific: Is the reader sure of what’s being promised?
  • Unique: Is the message engaging and potent?
  • Does the reader feel the need to read right now?

These basics also apply to email ‘headlines’.

Run through this list when writing your next subject line.

2. The method

Email is a little more personal and so you need to go beyond the basics:

  • Identify yourself: Once you build up a following, the most important thing about an email message should be that it’s from you. Until that time, your recipient needs to know that you’re a trusted source. Make it absolutely obvious. Either use your “From” field wisely or start every subject line with the same identifier. People will soon begin to recognise and trust the source.
  • First Up: Of the 4 “U” basics, focus on Useful and Ultra-specific, even if you have to ignore unique and urgent. Spammers tend to use the unique and urgent in their subject lines.
  • Use Urgent – only when it really is, such as a deadline or compelling reason to act immediately
  • Always use spam checking software: Avoid triggering the spam filters and having your email blocked.
  • Short and sweet: Subject line space is valuable. Offer – useful and ultra-specific, but try to compress the basics into the most powerful promise possible.

3. The proof of the pudding

Once you have established a level of trust then you have to over-deliver on value.

Of course, a great subject line will get the email opened and improve your click through rates, but the content is what should keep your readers interested and looking forward to your messages.


Another Nail in the Coffin

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